Design tool: Get insight into environmental impact

CIRCONNECT's design tools address the various design questions facing companies and production chains and support them in implementing a circular product, service and business model.

This is the Environmental Impact Tool

To become more sustainable, it is essential to know the environmental impact of organizations and products. Life-cycle analyses offer solutions for this. But these are specialized, expensive and time-consuming. This is often a barrier for companies to start measuring and improving their environmental impact. The Environmental Impact Tool gives you insight into the structure of the environmental impact of a product.

You can do this with it

With the Environmental Impact tool you can:

  • Mapping the impact of life extension;
  • Understanding the difference between two material choices;
  • Gain insight into the expected impact differences of your product design;
  • Gain insight into solution directions for making product designs more sustainable.

This tool is great for companies and designers who are

  • have already studied the circular economy to some extent;
  • are convinced that a circular way of working offers new opportunities;
  • want to know more about the environmental impact in production processes.

Straight to work

There are several ways to learn more about this tool. Get started right away, watch a webinar about the tool or read more background information. Check out the different options below.


Learn how your organization can become more sustainable by understanding the environmental impact of products at all stages of the life cycle. Get started right away with the Environmental Impact Tool.

View the tool



During the May 22, 2022 Expert Café, you got an explanation and background information on impact measurement in general and life cycle assessment (LCA) in particular, from a scientific angle.

Watch the Expert Cafe



Want to learn more about the Environmental Impact Tool? Then click here.


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