
Circular Design is the driving force in the transition to a circular economy. But design does not stand alone. As a designer or company, you have to take into account the context you are in. For example, your products and services must comply with applicable rules and regulations. And you depend on the availability of knowledge and techniques to solve design challenges. Knowledge about the context and these frameworks is therefore important. So we know what is already regulated. And what is still needed to support and accelerate the transition to a circular economy.

The framework of circularity

The playing field and rules. Below is the context in which designers and entrepreneurs face circular design challenges.

15 contributions

Policies and Regulations

Here you will find information on policies, laws and regulations that contribute to the transition to a circular economy.

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5 contributions

Transition management

How do you initiate large-scale changes and make them successful? Knowledge about transition management helps us move toward a circular society.

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3 contributions

Supporting innovations

What technologies and methodologies are already in place and which do we still need to support circular design?

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9 contributions

Training / Competencies

We need more people with knowledge about and competencies for circular design. Training plays a big role in this.

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