
Book: Products that Flow

Aug. 22, 2022

As a designer, entrepreneur and marketer, how do you handle consumable products in a circular way? The Products that Flow model provides circular design strategies and business models to reduce and manage our huge flow of consumable products. Different levels of design are addressed with a special focus on material flows and properties.

The book "Products that Flow" describes an innovative approach to a current problem.

Authors: Siem Haffmans, Marjolein van Gelder, Ed van Hinte and Yvo Zijlstra.


Want to know more? You go to a Dutch version



The circular economy does not arise by itself. CIRCO (a program of TKI-CLICKNL) focuses on getting a new market moving. CIRCO therefore activates - with the support of the government - entrepreneurs and creative professionals to (re)design products, services and business models in order to then do circular business.

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