Environmental Impact Tool
Quick and easy insight into the environmental impact of your products? You can with this new life cycle analysis tool. Developed for SMEs that want to know whether circular design choices lead to reducing environmental impact and compare different product concepts in terms of their environmental impact. This allows you to make better decisions that contribute to a sustainable and circular economy.
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Safe by Design and Substances of Very High Concern (ZZS).
This module gives designers and companies context for determining whether Safe by Design and Substances of Very High Concern (ZZS) are relevant topics. In addition, it provides in-depth explanations, examples and recommended tools for further work on their own.
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Framework Circular Design
The Framework Circular Design is a practical framework for getting started with circularity. Designers gain an initial understanding of the scope of the topic. In doing so, it also provides a theoretical framework to elaborate design topics in a structured and detailed way and apply them in the design process.
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Chain Collaboration Tool
With the Chain Collaboration Tool you can quickly get a good picture of the success factors and obstacles of chain collaboration.
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Residual value tool
The residual value tool allows you to calculate reuse value at the product level and recycling value at the material level.
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Circular Filter PvE Tool
The Circular Filter PoA Tool was developed to firmly embed circularity into the PoA of a product. Through a circular filter you look at the set of requirements your product must meet and the principles of the circular economy become tangible and integrated into the design process.
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Tool circular design & impact on users
This tool gives you insight into how you can encourage customers to make circular choices through (re)design of products, services and systems, including consumption, life extension and end-of-use.
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Rethink & Reuse brainstorming tool
The Rethink & Reuse Brainstorm helps you think about ways to redesign your product or packaging in a circular way.
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Applying the Closing the Loop tool introduces you to two archetype collection systems and explores how to organize them effectively within your supply chain.
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