
Kickstart workshop on circular design

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    3:30 - 5 p.m.

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Circular design is at the heart of a circular economy. In fact, 80% of the environmental impact of a product is determined in the design phase. And that design phase extends beyond functionality, choice of materials or aesthetic design. But what exactly does circular design mean? And what role do you have in this as a designer?

This online session will introduce you to the basic principles of circular design and challenge you to look differently at products and use of materials. Get inspired by interesting practical examples and join the discussion about the dilemmas and challenges.

To get into it in advance: with circular design you don't just look at a product or service in isolation, you also consider a matching business model and a collective value system. So: what processes and preconditions must be in place in the chain in order to bring a product or service to market in the first place? The key here is value retention throughout the entire life cycle of a product.

Circular design starts with Rethink: reconsider your product and take its desired functionality as a starting point. Based on this, you make informed material choices and when designing the product, you take into account how the product will be used and what happens after the use phase.
You can apply this design process in numerous sectors. Both for products with a long and short lifespan or for single-use products. Consider the following sectors: consumer electronics, mechanical engineering, furniture and interior design, clothing, medical care and the packaging industry.

We look forward to expanding on this in the workshop and see you on January 26. Want to know more in advance? Take a look at the starter kit circular design.

Registration is closed. Email info@circonnect.org if you are interested in the next kickstart workshop.




The circular economy does not arise by itself. CIRCO (a program of TKI-CLICKNL) focuses on getting a new market moving. CIRCO therefore activates - with the support of the government - entrepreneurs and creative professionals to (re)design products, services and business models in order to then do circular business.

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