
6 insights on Design for Recycling within the plastics industry

September 08, 2022
Author Ingeborg Gort | CIRCO Go to LinkedIn

What does a mattress have to do with a PET Tray?

Products and packaging are often not (properly) recyclable. To increase recycling rates, it is important to already consider future recycling during the design process. This is called Design for Recycling. This requires designers to work with all stakeholders in the process (collectors, sorters, recyclers and producers) to integrate all requirements. But how do you organize that?

During a session at the Circular Plastics Conference 2022, Auping, Hordijk and Filigrade presented how Design for Recycling underlies their products and operations.

Inspiring stories. Which can be summed up in six overarching insights for the entire plastics sector.

1: Mono(material) makes it easy
2. Don't saddle others with your (poorly recyclable) materials
3. Some plastics (or materials) are more circular than others
4. Rate differentiation works as an incentive for Design for Recycling
5. It is of common interest to set a standard in the marketplace
6. Rather mechanical than chemical recycling

The explanation of all these insights can be found on the CIRCO website.

Read all the insights here You go to a Dutch version



The circular economy does not arise by itself. CIRCO (a program of TKI-CLICKNL) focuses on getting a new market moving. CIRCO therefore activates - with the support of the government - entrepreneurs and creative professionals to (re)design products, services and business models in order to then do circular business.

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