
Circular Design Guide

August 31, 2022

The Circular Design Guide reviews a range of methods to help designers for the circular economy. In doing so, the guide responds to the new mindset that is emerging and driving future innovation. The scale of design has shifted from products to companies to ecosystems. Who is being designed for has shifted from an individual user to a network of people across the worlds businesses and reshaping our lives. To help this transition, the Circular Design Guide was created: so designers can come up with effective and creative solutions for the circular economy. Solutions that give businesses a competitive edge and are also regenerative for our world.

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The circular economy does not arise by itself. CIRCO (a program of TKI-CLICKNL) focuses on getting a new market moving. CIRCO therefore activates - with the support of the government - entrepreneurs and creative professionals to (re)design products, services and business models in order to then do circular business.

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