
Jansen by ODS - Facade as a service

July 19, 2022

Hybrid circular business model

During a CIRCO Track, Jansen by ODS found out that their steel facade profiles fit very well with the hybrid circular business model. This model functions by selling relatively cheap products with a short lifespan, which only work in combination with a specially developed high-quality product. "We have a very nice, solid base: a nice steel profile, where you can put all kinds of things on and on. We are the platform and our partners can 'hang' their product on it, so to speak."

Facade as a service

Jansen by ODS started talking to those partners, including architects, manufacturing customers, maintenance and demolition companies and companies within the installation engineering sector. "The question was: how can we organize this process as a consortium in such a way that we can offer one service? That's where the 'facade as a service' concept eventually came out."

In the "facade as a service" concept, Jansen by ODS remains the owner of the steel facade system. The client uses the facade for an agreed period of time and Jansen by ODS takes care of the maintenance. After that, the facade can move on to a new client and a new cycle of use.

Harvest map with parts

In addition, Jansen by ODS is working on a so-called harvest map; an interactive map where you can see the products and semi-finished products. "In that map, which will be called Harvest Bay, you can order products, return them and see what will be released in five years. You can then take an option on that in advance. We want to have that operational within now and a year. And the most important thing for us, and I think also for many people who want to participate, is that it is open source. So anyone can participate."




The circular economy does not arise by itself. CIRCO (a program of TKI-CLICKNL) focuses on getting a new market moving. CIRCO therefore activates - with the support of the government - entrepreneurs and creative professionals to (re)design products, services and business models in order to then do circular business.

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