CBM research on wood waste streams

Wood waste streams

In recent years, Royal CBM has regularly received complaints about the disposal of wood waste streams. To assess the current situation in the industry, Daan Kerkhof approached over 2,000 companies with an online questionnaire on behalf of CBM in late October 2020. In the end, 111 companies responded to this questionnaire, leading to this analysis and report.

This report is also partly based on results from a survey of sheet material flows in the Dutch market. This showed that 635,000 tons of sheet material was processed within the furniture and interior design sector in 2019. This research can be requested from CBM if you want to know more about sheet material and its circular future.

Onderzoek in onze sector toont aan dat er veel recycling potentieel zit bij de kleine bedrijven (< 10 fte). Deze bedrijven vormen ruim de helft van de houtafvalmarkt die vrij komt. Juist deze groep ondervindt de meeste druk van stijgende prijzen voor het afvoeren van hun afvalstroom. Wij denken dat een slim emballagesysteem hier de toekomst kan bieden voor onze leden.

link to report You go to a Dutch version


Furniture Industry and Interior Design Branch Association (CBM)

Royal CBM is the trade association for the furniture and interior design industry. Some 600 companies related to the furniture industry and covered by the collective bargaining agreement are affiliated with CBM. CBM unburdens and helps entrepreneurs with legal support, professional training, energy and sustainability, among other things.

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